Source code for fluent.syntax.visitor

# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from .ast import BaseNode

[docs]class Visitor(object): '''Read-only visitor pattern. Subclass this to gather information from an AST. To generally define which nodes not to descend in to, overload `generic_visit`. To handle specific node types, add methods like `visit_Pattern`. If you want to still descend into the children of the node, call `generic_visit` of the superclass. ''' def visit(self, node): if isinstance(node, list): for child in node: self.visit(child) return if not isinstance(node, BaseNode): return nodename = type(node).__name__ visit = getattr(self, 'visit_{}'.format(nodename), self.generic_visit) visit(node) def generic_visit(self, node): for propname, propvalue in vars(node).items(): self.visit(propvalue)
[docs]class Transformer(Visitor): '''In-place AST Transformer pattern. Subclass this to create an in-place modified variant of the given AST. If you need to keep the original AST around, pass a `node.clone()` to the transformer. ''' def visit(self, node): if not isinstance(node, BaseNode): return node nodename = type(node).__name__ visit = getattr(self, 'visit_{}'.format(nodename), self.generic_visit) return visit(node) def generic_visit(self, node): for propname, propvalue in vars(node).items(): if isinstance(propvalue, list): new_vals = [] for child in propvalue: new_val = self.visit(child) if new_val is not None: new_vals.append(new_val) # in-place manipulation propvalue[:] = new_vals elif isinstance(propvalue, BaseNode): new_val = self.visit(propvalue) if new_val is None: delattr(node, propname) else: setattr(node, propname, new_val) return node