
The DOMLocalization class is an extension of the Localization class and is responsible for fetching resources and formatting translations for DOM elements.


Includes all the functionality from Localization

constructor(resourceIds, generateBundles)

Creates a new DOMLocalization object given a list of resourceIDs and a generateBundles function that returns a generator over FluentBundles.

The resourceIds are the paths to the fluent files that are used to generate bundles.

The generateBundles function's generator behavior acts as a fallbacking strategy for the availability of fluent resources. Fallbacking allows for translations from a different language to be used if the translation is not available in the desired language. For example, if the Spanish translation is missing, English text could be displayed instead.

The generateBundles function's generator behavior acts as a fallbacking strategy for the availability of fluent resources.

When localizing content in the ideal scenario, the generateBundles function will only ever have to produce one bundle. This would mean that the first bundle had translations for every requested localization.

If the current bundle in unable to produce a translation, then the generator's next bundle will be retrieved in an attempt to find a translation, and so on.

setAttributes(element, id, args)

Set the data-l10n-id and data-l10n-args attributes on a DOM element. DOMLocalization makes use of mutation observers to detect change to data-l10n-* attributes and translate elements asynchronously. setAttributes is a convenience method which allows to translate DOM elements declaratively.

You should always prefer to use data-l10n-id on elements (statically in HTML or dynamically via setAttributes) over manually retrieving translations with format. The use of attributes ensures that the elements can be retranslated when the user changes their language preferences.

  document.querySelector('#welcome'), 'hello', { name: 'world' }

This will set the following attributes on the #welcome element. The MutationObserver will pick up this change and will localize the element asynchronously.

<p id='welcome'
  data-l10n-args='{"name": "world"}'>


Get the data-l10n-* attributes from a DOM element.

  document.querySelector('#welcome'), 'hello', { name: 'world' }
// -> { id: 'hello', args: { name: 'world' } }


Add new root to the list of roots managed by this DOMLocalization.

Additionally, if this DOMLocalization has an observer, start observing the new root in order to translate mutations in it.

The new root may not overlap with an existing root.


Remove root from the list of roots managed by this DOMLocalization.

Additionally, if this DOMLocalization has an observer, stop observing root.

Returns true if the root was the last one managed by this DOMLocalization.


Translate all roots associated with this DOMLocalization.


Translate a DOM element or fragment asynchronously using this DOMLocalization object.

Manually trigger the translation (or re-translation) of a DOM fragment. Use the data-l10n-id and data-l10n-args attributes to mark up the DOM with information about which translations to use.

Returns a Promise that gets resolved once the translation is complete.


Translate a list of DOM elements asynchronously using this DOMLocalization object.

Manually trigger the translation (or re-translation) of a list of elements. Use the data-l10n-id and data-l10n-args attributes to mark up the DOM with information about which translations to use.

Returns a Promise that gets resolved once the translation is complete.