
Fluent is a family of localization specifications, implementations and good practices developed by Mozilla.

This documentation is intended to be a starting point for anyone looking to understand and learn to use Fluent DOM, which is a set of abstractions that allow for localizing content in HTML pages as they relate to the Document Object Model (DOM).


We can specify translations in Fluent (.ftl) files for different languages. Here we specify translations for en-US and es-MX.


hello = Hello { $name }.


hello = Hola { $name }.

We can then use our Fluent translations to localize the content of elements in the HTML. In this example <h1> element will be translated by Fluent to say "Hola Erik.", because we specify the defaultLanguage to be es-MX, which matches our translation above.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset='UTF-8' />
    <meta name='defaultLanguage' content='es-MX' />
    <meta name='availableLanguages' content='en-US, es-MX' />
    <link name='localization' content='./localization/{locale}/main.ftl' />
    <script type='module' src='index.js'></script>
    <h1 data-l10n-id='hello' data-l10n-args='{ "name": "Erik" }'>Localize me!</h1>

The following sections will explain the concepts behind Fluent DOM, as well as present a walkthrough tutorial on how to set up a project from scratch that uses Fluent DOM to localize HTML content.