Getting started with Fluent DOM

This is a small, step-by-step tutorial showing a simple way to get started with Fluent in a web project built from scratch using Fluent.js.

We will build up to localizing a <h1> element using the following syntax:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset='UTF-8' />
    <meta name='defaultLanguage' content='es-MX' />
    <meta name='availableLanguages' content='en-US, es-MX' />
    <link name='localization' content='./localization/{locale}/main.ftl' />
    <script type='module' src='index.js'></script>
    <h1 data-l10n-id='hello'>Localize me!</h1>

The tutorial will show how to set up your localization resources for your desired locales, and how to retrieve values from those resources to localize content.

We will be using Node Package Manager (npm) and Parcel in this tutorial.