
The Localization class is a central high-level API for using Fluent.


constructor(resourceIds, generateBundles)

Creates a new Localization object given a list of resourceIDs and a generateBundles function that returns a generator over FluentBundles.

The resourceIds are the paths to the fluent files that are used to generate bundles.

The generateBundles function's generator behavior acts as a fallbacking strategy for the availability of fluent resources. Fallbacking allows for translations from a different language to be used if the translation is not available in the desired language. For example, if the Spanish translation is missing, English text could be displayed instead.

When localizing content in the ideal scenario, the generateBundles function will only ever have to produce one bundle. This would mean that the first bundle had translations for every requested localization.

If the current bundle in unable to produce a translation, then the generator's next bundle will be retrieved in an attempt to find a translation, and so on.

addResourceIds(resourceIds, eager = false)

Adds resource IDs to this localization object. Accepts a boolean for whether to eagerly or lazily apply the changes with a default value of false (for lazy).


Removes resource IDs from this localization object. This operation is never eager.


Retrives translations corresponding to the passed keys. Keys must be {id, args} objects.

If all keys have available translations within the current FluentBundle, then no fallbacking will occur. If a translation is missing, the localization object will retrieve the next bundle from the generateBundles function and so on.

  {id: 'hello', args: { name: 'Mary' }},
  {id: 'hello', args: { name: 'John' }},
  {id: 'welcome'}

formatValue(id, args)


Use this sparingly for one-off messages which do not need to be retranslated when the user changes their language preferences, e.g. in notifications.

Retrieves the translation corresponding to the id.

If passed, args is a simple hash object with a list of variables that will be interpolated in the value of the translation.

Returns a promise resolving to the translation string.

  'hello', { name: 'world' }