L10n ID

The L10n ID is an identifier that you assign to a DOM element to be localized.

For example, a welcome message may have a regular id of welcome and a data-l10n-id of hello. The regular id behaves as normal, a way to query for this element, such as with getElementById(). The data-l10n-id is intended to match a Fluent translation that will be used to localize this element.

<p id='welcome' data-l10n-id='hello'></p>

We define our L10n IDs in Fluent (.ftl) files for each locale that we want to provide a translation. In the example above, the data-l10n-id is hello, so in the Fluent files we would define translations for the hello L10n ID.

For the en locale you might have:


hello = Hello

And for the es locale you might have:


hello = Hola

The data-l10n-id is like a social contract between the element and its localized content translation. Each ID is unique to a single translation. If translated content needs to be updated, then a new data-l10n-id must be provided. For example, if we want to change our en message from "Hello" to "Hello there," we need to replace the previous L10n ID hello with a new one, such as hello-there.

This new ID and content would then require a re-translation in every other locale, such as es in the example above. Additionally, HTML elements will need to use this new ID as well.


hello-there = Hello there

This new ID and content would then need to get re-translated for every other locale, such as es in the example above, and the HTML elements will also need to receive the new ID as well.


<p id='welcome' data-l10n-id='hello-there'></p>